Buyback of shares- Is it good or bad?

Buyback of Shares Buyback of shares is a corporate action in which a company repurchases or…

Meaning of Debenture: Merits, Demerits and Types

Meaning of Debenture: A debenture is a financial instrument or document issued by the company acknowledging…

Exchange Traded Funds (ETF): Meaning | Benefits

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) An ETF or Exchange Traded Funds means funds that are traded on…

Dividend Yield: Definition and Examples

Dividend Yield (DY) A dividend yield ratio is a financial ratio that shows how much dividend…

What is Dividend? Meaning and Examples

What is a Dividend? A dividend is an amount that the company returns to its shareholders…

Short Selling: Meaning with Examples

What is Short Selling? Short selling is used when an investor believes that the share market…

Rights issue: What does Rights Issue mean?

What is a Rights Issue? A rights issue refers to the issue of new shares to…

Private placement | Why private placement?

Definition of Private Placement (PP) A private placement is an offer or invitation to an offer…

Bonus Shares: Explanation in detail

What are Bonus Shares? On hearing the bonus shares name, we think that the company is…

Stock Split: Definition and Objectives

Definition In a stock split, the face value of the existing shares is split, and the…

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